Hello There!

Hello there! I'm Terin, the neglectful owner of this blog. I promise that I've been gone for a really good reason ((or reasons...))! Let me just start by saying that I have completely forgotten how to work WP. And why does it look so different???

Let's get started, shall we? First of all: I quit Bank of America. I couldn't be happier! I now work in the TD Bank Operations center.
Secondly: JJ graduated! He's learned so much and I am VERY proud.
And yeah... That pretty much sums it all up.

Why I Quit After Six Years

Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely loved working for BofA. Then we relocated. I had a horrible manager and no option to transfer since I have to be in my new location for a year. I had no time to spend with my family. I was only getting one Saturday off a month and a lot of weeks I had to work six days. For me, I'm really big on family and being around for my children, so the working all the time was not working for me. I was so depressed. I even ended up in the hospital, and my doctor gave me some of the best advice. Quit my job.

Just so happened, I got out of the hospital in time for my interview with TD Bank. They were so impressed that I got an offer the same day. I can choose my own shift and I only have to work one Saturday every six weeks or so. I love my job. I love my coworkers. I don't have headaches every day. It's fabulous!

So that's my life right now. I'm adjusting to the new job and enjoying my family.

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  • Rae B says:

    I'm glad it all worked out for you! Congratulations on finding something better!

  • Kay says:

    Yay! New opportunities for everyone. So happy to hear you have a better job sis. I am proud of you. You are a great woman and mother. Love the pictures of the Family 🙂

  • Shannon says:

    It's good to hear that you're in a much better mental place! Work can be so stressful and it's crazy how that can have a physical impact on you. I know that feeling.
