Wordless Wednesday: Easter 2013

Ivy's First Easter: March 31, 2013

We spent Easter at my parents' house. The day started at 6am with Sunrise Service and breakfast at the church. My sister came down for the holiday! She gave me an Easter 'do[1. Hairdo...], which is now ruined thanks to the humidity. She also got to spend plenty of time with Ivy.

Then, we had an early dinner at the house. It was a pretty small gathering[2. We have a large family]. We weren't too sure that the kids were going to have an egg hunt, because it started raining. The skies cleared just before we went back to the church for the children's program. JJ stole the show! He is usually really reserved, but he said his speech twice and took over two songs. He also added an impromptu dance routine... My kid!

The kids had an egg hunt, and JJ found more eggs than any other kid! He was the youngest out there and didn't have any help. Yes... I was very proud, lol!

JJ on Easter

Now that I've turned this into a not so wordless Wednesday, tell me: How was your Easter[3. If you celebrate Easter...]? What did you do?

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