Starting With A Bang

10:59pm. It's my first post of 2013![1. Well...not really, but go with it!] It's the middle of February, but I'm here. I've actually been a pretty busy lady. I moved Adore Moi to a dedicated server, and I built a new theme.[2. Thanks to Blank Themes for the base.] I also moved over the posts and photos from Sugarcoating Me, since that domain is set to expire on March 1st.

I managed to do all of that while caring for a three year old and a two[3. Almost three] week old. That's right...

1.28.13 - Ivy Brielle

Ivy Brielle is here! She was born on January 28, 2013 at 8:37pm, weighing 7lbs, 2oz. It was another easy labor and delivery for me. I got to the hospital around 7:20pm, and I was 5cm dilated. My contractions weren't any worse than period cramps. I was actually laughing and holding conversation between pushes.

My parents claim that I was aiming for JJ's birthday, which was on January 26th.

Blow out your candle!

My baby boy is THREE! He got the Ninja Turtle and Power Ranger toys that he wanted, and ate most of the cupcakes by himself. He made us light the candle and sing "Happy Birthday" for each cupcake.

Fast forward to February... I spent Valentine's Day at home with the kids. J had to work all day since he took time off for the birth of Ivy. He woke me up to give me my gift before he left for work.

Valentine's Present from J

I got three new charms for my bracelet, ballons, chocolates, some tulips, and a teddy bear. I cooked dinner for him and treated him to a massage.

So that sums up 2013 so far! I'm hoping that I can get back into the groove and start posting more. We will see.

♥ Moi

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